Maryland Community Colleges United

We’re AFSCME, the Union of Community College Workers

We are 28,000 members strong in Maryland and over 100,000 workers strong at 70 higher education and community colleges across the country. We have bargained for real improvements on our wages and working conditions. Last year, we fought to pass HB894 ­ — a bill that gave community college workers the right to join together in a union. But that was just the beginning; now ALL Community College Workers in Maryland are forming a strong union and bargaining for better wages, benefits, and having a voice in our workplace. And we’re fighting because we know the difference a union makes.

Maryland Higher Education employees WIN with AFSCME!

Join the thousands of higher education workers across Maryland who are winning better wages, benefits, and a voice on the job!

Some of what we've won through our union: 

    • Wage increases
    • Healthcare benefits
    • Personal, annual, sick & holiday leave
    • Telework policies
    • Health and safety improvements

    • Safe working environments

    • Better workplace policies

    • Retirement benefits

    • Right to representation

    • Grievance and appeal process

    • Labor-management meetings

    • Tuition remission

And much more! Interested in seeing more specifics on what we've won at other commmunity colleges and higher ed institutions across Maryland? Click this link to see the contracts we've negotiated.


Ready to join?
Click here!


  We're Community College Employees.

We're AFSCME members. 

And we're stronger when we're together!


“Thanks to our union, we ALL have better pay and feel more secure at work! We fought for, and won, seniority rights in our contract. As a long-time employee, I am first in line for temporary job assignments with more responsibility — and higher pay! I also get first preference for overtime.”

Lori Ulrich
Disability Services Coordinator at Montgomery Community College


"With my union, I know that management and the decision-makers will take us seriously. They know that we are sticking together, and we won't back down. We're standing up for ourselves and for the work  environments we all deserve."

Nena Kutniewski
Sr. Records and Registration Specialist at Baltimore City Community College

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